Inazuma Eleven: Victory Road details new in-match systems, Victory Road mode, more (2025)

The company also stated that a new trailer for Inazuma Eleven: Victory Road will premiere on August 31, followed by more information and a playable exhibit at Tokyo Game Show 2023 in September.

Get the full blog below.

■ We Want the Game to be Played for a Long Time

While creating the newest Inazuma Eleven game, Inazuma Eleven: Victory Road, we were very conscious about the roots of the game. However, the game structure of the current gaming industry has evolved immensely, and in order for players to enjoy Inazuma Eleven to its fullest, we have determined that the system cannot stay the way it was since the “good ol’ days.” Therefore, adding to the match system that will take up most of the playtime, we will introduce new systems that pushes strategy.

■ New In-Match Systems


Instead of reducing the battle at midfield to a simple game of choice, we have incorporated a mechanism that requires players to analyze the situation involving various actions. We believe the action elements of “Player Skill,” “Data Strength,” and “Luck” will create a very balanced system.


We will change the way players go at it in front of the goal. Rather than a choice of what type of shot to kick, players are now able to think about different ways to attack, such as quick passes to nearby players.


This system is based off of a battle for the ball that happens in actual soccer matches. Players can react to an incoming ball by heading it to another player or keeping it at their feet. It is a system where players choose what to do by lining up the cursor to the marker and pressing the button at the correct timing.

Tension Gauge

In the newest game, the individual TP has been removed. In its place is a “Tension Gauge” shared by all teammates to unleash moves. Tension rises as a result of the Focus during the match, and decreases as players use moves. Managing the tension and using it efficiently is the key to victory.

The new in-match systems can be seen in a trailer releasing on August 31. In addition, you will be able to play it for yourself during TGS2023 in September.

■ Long-Term Operation Initiative: “Plan V”

In order to make Victory Road something that can be played for a long time, we have devised a long-term operation plan called “Plan V.” We are planning a number of ideas that allows players to enjoy the game together online.

■ New Mode: Victory Road

We are planning to include a mode where players can not only “play against” each other online, but also compete against other players in a “Football Frontier” for the championship. We believe this is a dream realized for every single Inazuma Eleven fan. Match rules are still being worked out, but everyone will be able to take part in qualifying rounds, where players will freely battle and garner points. The amount of points will determine whether a player moves onto the next round. The top players will battle it out at a set date and time.

Tournament Operations via Seasons (Seasonal Players and Eternal Players)

Football Frontier will be played in seasons. Each season will be two to three months long. Playing long hours offline and getting many great players will, in fact, not lead to tournament success. The teams in Football Frontier must be made up of six seasonal players and five eternal players.

Season players are characters released during that season. For these characters, you must build them up from the ground up every season. On the other hand, eternal players are any characters that were previously obtained and built up by any other means. You can have up to five of these characters.
In order to win in Football Frontier, you must collect seasonal characters and combine them with previously obtained characters to create a balanced team.

*Match rules are subject to change.

■ Seasonal Players that Come and Go

Seasonal players that are introduced as first-year students will become second-year students in the next season. They will then become third-year students in the following season, after which they graduate. In other words, seasonal players can be used for a maximum of three seasons. But all is not completely lost after three seasons, as you are able to add that player past three seasons by putting him on your team as an eternal player. Seasonal players are not just random side characters. On extreme rare occasions, famous players like Kido and Fubuki will appear as seasonal players. You can consider yourself very lucky to pull players like that.

■ We Held Auditions for the Main Characters

After auditioning 35 people, we have finally decided on the casting for the Victory Road main characters Unmei Sasanami and Haru Endou! They are both perfect matches for their characters, and we can’t wait for everyone to hear the characters come to life. Staff members are raving about how good they sound, with many saying that they can hear the Mamoru in Haru’s voice. You should be able to hear their voices on the videos released in September, so please look forward to it!

■ Keshin Equipped on Release

This game will feature almost all characters from the past, but we will not be able to include every mechanic such as Mixi Max and Armed. Therefore, at the release stage, we plan to include up to Keshin in this installment.

■ Playable Demo at Tokyo Game Show 2023

The new system that we have introduced today will be playable at the LEVEL-5 booth at the Tokyo Game Show 2023. Please have a go at it!

■ Regarding the New Character Designs

Furthermore, we will announce new character designs. They have very attractive personalities, but we will refrain from saying anything further. Just who is that blonde-striped boy with the strange design? He has a deep connection with a character that appeared in the past. Can you guess who it is?

—Heita Kisoji

—Raika Shinohara

—Kameo Kodoukai

—Minami Kumohara Middle School Uniform 1 (South Kumohara Middle School)

—Minami Kumohara Middle School Uniform 2

—Mysterious Boy

An important character in the newest game. He seems related to a character in the past.

■ Next Information Release

The next release of information will be on August 31, then in September right before Tokyo Game Show 2023.

Inazuma Eleven: Victory Road is due out for PlayStation 4, Switch, iOS, and Android in 2023.

Inazuma Eleven: Victory Road details new in-match systems, Victory Road mode, more (2025)
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